November 20th meeting notes

November 20th meeting notesRandy Seager chaired the meeting on behalf of POD #1 and welcomed all in attendance District or Club Announcements: Jonathon Racine provided a reminder about the Rotary Foundation Dinner in association with Port Hope Rotary that will be held on Thursday November 21st at Dalewood. There is no charge for members as it was included in the regular yearly dues. Guest cost is $55 which should be paid to our Treasurer Karen O'Hara. Aimee Tedford reminded members that the Fare Share Food Bank will be the recipient of the Tim Hortons Smile Cookie Fioudation this year and invited members to sign up to help decorate cookies. Al Switzer notified us that Operation Red Nose is once again coordinated by the YMCA and details and sign up is at the following link. Click here Aimee Tedford discussed the Annual Gingerbread Festival. This is a fundraiser and fun event where indivuals and businesses can purchase and decorate gingerbread houses and support Habitat for Humanity Click Here for details Petra Becker shared details and insights on the District Rotary Foundation Training Seminar she attended last weekend. The knowledge gained at this seminar will allow us to initiate both District and Rotary International grants should we decide to go in this direction in the next year. Membership Chair Rhonda Cunningham and President Denise O'Brien reintroduced our newest Rotarian Katy Spiewak. We are so pleased to have Katy back in our Club after a few years off to take care of family and work. Katy is a Past President of Northumberland Sunrise from 2007-2008. ![]() Today's Speaker Randy introduced Joel Scott today's speaker who provided insight into his classification and his life story. This included his upbringing in Cobourg, his education in psychology and his career in radio. Joel brought us up to date on his current job at Ed's House Hospice and Community Care and the importance of community service. He also shared how proud he is of his children's careers and personal lives including his son's marketing agency and his daughter's electrician training. He also reflected on the impact of his career on his family and the community, emphasizing the importance of connection and service. Joel's talk was enlightening and funny as he allowed us to hear his unique life story. ![]() Committee Updates and Membership Engagement The membership committee will be making an effort to provide sign up sheet service to all committees and events so that membership engagement can be tracked better. This will allow us to to determine workloads and also to make sure that members who are missing can be contacted to make sure that all is well. In short a busy, engaged Rotarian is a happy Rotarian! Jeremy Hall called the motion for a $1500 donation for The Giving Tree which was seconded and approved by the Club. Jeremy also mentioned the need for Salvation Army helpers for Kettle duty and Christmas Hamper deliveries. Jonathon Racine reminded Members that the Burn's Night Scotch Tasting is fast approaching and your attendance is greatly appreciated. The event can be accessed through the home page of the club's website. Click Here ![]() President Denise reminded us of the Treaty Knowledge Gathering in Campbellville being hosted by the Alderville First Nation. YOU are invited to the Treaty Knowledge Gathering. Date: November 28th, 2024 7:30PM at The Aron Theatre, 54 Bridge St E, Campbellford ON Keynote Speaker: David Mowat Alderville First Nation Ojibwe Historian presenting on treaty and community history. Opening Address: Melody Crow Alderville First Nation knowledge and Language Keeper Traditional Drum Song, Provided by the Alderville Ojibwe Drum Group Free Entry with Prior Confirmed Signup Donations of cash & non-perishable food for the Alderville Food Bank are encouraged. Very limited tickets available RVSP ASAP by email to David at or (705)761-9791 Holiday Event and Happy Bucks Petra Becker will be hosting the Holiday Gathering for members and their families on the evening of December 11th. Please make sure that you signup for the great fun event before December 11th. Click here to register. ![]() Once again, no winner for the Queen of hearts and the pot continues to grow. November Membership Milestones: Mel Racine's birthday was November 2nd. Hank Vandermeer 12 years of service on November 7th Helen Walsh 12 years of service on November 12th Karen O'Hara 12 years of service on November 31st Jeff Gibbons 3 years of service on November 25th Carrie Low 1 year of service on November 29th Randy Seager 1 year of service on November 29th Thats a wrap for today, see you on December 4th!
May 29th Meeting minutes |
POD Profile: Bob Clark![]() Vocation/Classification: Land Use Planning Consulting | Strong community planning | Economic development skills | Commitment to environmental design
Why did you join Rotary: I originally joined the Cobourg Rotary Club in 1976 (I think). I joined at the suggestion of Ken Symons who was the CAO of the County who had hired me to be their Planner as part of a Provincial program to bring County level planning to this area. When the Province withdrew funding support I resigned and joined a series of local consulting firms before setting up my own firm. I left the Cobourg Club when their noon meeting time proved to be difficult to attend on s regular basis particularly when the firm I was with had an office in Toronto. I joined Northumberland Sunrise because of a number of friends were members and the more convenient meeting time. My Rotary contacts served me then and now to keep me connected to the community and allowed me to participate in funding raising and events that support important community activities. |
POD Profile: Randy Seager![]() Vocation/Classification: Pump Compressor Components - Marketing Why did you join Rotary: For many years before I joined Rotary I travelled extensively for business. It was not uncommon to be away from home and family for three weeks a month. I had International Sales and Marketing responsibility for the industrial division of an American based company. The locations included Canada, USA, Mexico, Ireland, England, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden and manufacturing / sales locations within those countries. I realized that I was spending far too much time away from my family and unable to contribute with any meaning to my community. I decided to leave my job and start out on a new path joining Rotary. This allowed me to meet liked minded people who wanted to give back to our community locally, as well as internationally. It was the best decision that I have ever made!
Interests: Woodworking, Fishing, Family Genealogy |
UPCOMING GOLF TOURNAMENT FUNDRAISER![]() Fellow Sunrise Rotarians, The Golf Committee is working hard on organizing the upcoming 21st Golf Tournament and we need your help. This is our club’s main fundraiser and so we are looking for your support. Currently we are looking for sponsors, golfers, donated prizes, and volunteers. The tournament is at Ashbrook Golf Club on Monday, May 27 and includes lunch, steak dinner, cart, green fees and a whole lot of fun! Get a team of 4 together and sign up. Don’t golf? Be a sponsor and volunteer. Don’t have a business? Provide an auction item or prize. OR you can ask your contacts to sponsor, golf or provide a prize or auction item. There are many ways you can help. We raised almost $20,000 last year and would love to surpass that. Contact any of the committee members to get involved. |
April is Environmental MonthWHAT ARE THE ROTARY FOUNDATION’S OBJECTIVES FOR THE ENVIRONMENT? Rotary supports activities that strengthen the conservation and protection of natural resources, advance environmental sustainability, and foster harmony between people and the environment. The Rotary Foundation seeks interventions that have a positive, measurable, and sustainable influence. We enable members and partners to protect, preserve, and conserve the environment through a variety of project pathways in order to:
Golf Tournament Events Schedule![]() |
Golf Tournament General Poster![]() |
Scotch Tasting 2022![]() |
Thank you Sponsors![]() |
Brighten Up Light Contest Winners![]() |
Scotch Tasting![]() |
Brighten Up Northumberland![]() |
September 1st MeetingRotary bulletin – Wed, Sept 1/21 Attendees - Petra, Elaine, Karen T, Kerry, Linda G, Melissa, Nancy, Rhonda, Scott, Karen O, Bob, Boris, Catherine, Dave, Connie, Beth, Guests – Alan & Florence President Petra told us about an upcoming fun event on Sept 20 – a social evening at Capital Theatre with the Port Hope Rotary Club. Stay tuned for more details. Happy Bucks –
Allen and Florence joined us from the VOS and treated us to a very interesting and informative presentation on their group. We learned so much and most of us had no idea how much work went into these amazing performances from the early stages of choosing a show right up to the last performance. The group has been responsible for a host of education and entertainment since 1990. They work with a huge group of volunteers to make each show a success. They use Victoria Hall as their base. Once the show has been chosen (by the board / producer / director) then they must secure the rights to the show. License fees are charged for the specific show and are usually about $8,000 - $10,000 Cdn. VOS produces between one to six productions per season. They use various locations to store props, materials, costumes, etc including the Dalewood, Trinity United Church, the Firehall Theatre and others. For every production, detailed budgets and break even calculations are completed. The revenue is held by the Town until they reach a threshold of $12,000 in tickets sales. Then they can make draws on the revenue. The production team is a large team of volunteers that is critical to the success of the production. There are many other teams involved also. Some of the steps along the way include – the Audition process, choosing the cast, rehearsals (held in many locations for several months at a time), stage planning and design, set construction and design, costume design & construction, props, marketing, sounds, lights & projection, rehearsals and the performances. VOS is also involved in the community. They raise money and give bursaries to local students. They also participate in parades and street fairs and they sponsor and perform at Civic Awards events. Thank you to the VOS for joining us to share your wonderful presentation complete with pictures of your performances over the years (including our very own Bob Clarke!) Club news Sept 26 - The Foundation Walk will be in Trenton. Mark your calendars. The event will be capped at 100 people and the details are pending. We can have our own club Walk too. Sept 20 – joint meeting with Port Hope Rotary Club at the Capitol. Stay tuned. Our club has been nominated for an award for a non-profit service club for the Port Hope 2020 Business Awards. It is an entertaining evening at the Port Hope Drive In and would be a fun social evening for our club. The NHH Garden update – we had one successful session and it looks much better. The second session was to turn the soil and remulch. This will be rescheduled – Rhonda will check into this and let us know when in Sept this will be. Hopefully not as hot as the last time the volunteers worked on the garden! An email will come out with committees and a list of the chairs so everyone can sign up for a committee(s). The song for today – SEPTEMBER by EARTH, WIND AND FIRE |
Special Olympics Donation![]() Presentation of $4,000 to Special Olympics at our Golf Tournament in May.
Jack Burger Donation![]() Rotary Donates $5,000 for Jack Burger Complex to Mayor Sanderson.
Ganaraska Wheelchair Donation![]() Our Rotary Club donating a wheelchair to enable children to enjoy the beautiful Ganaraka Forest.
Hospital Donation![]() We raised over $2,000 for Garden Project at NHH. President Sue presenting Rhonda Cunningham of the NHH Foundation with the Pot of Gold.
Kimmirut School Project![]() Rotarian Blake Holton headed a project so that the students at the Qaqqalik School in Kimmirut Nunavut have 10 new Dell Inspiron laptops, 3 new colour printers and enough ink to print 3000 colour copies.
Northumberland Today Nov 10, 2015![]() The Rotary Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation that supports the efforts of Rotary International to achieve world understanding and peace through international humanitarian, educational, and cultural exchange programs. It is supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and friends of the Foundation who share its vision of a better world.
The Foundation was created in 1917 by Rotary International's sixth president, Arch C. Klumph, as an endowment fund for Rotary "to do good in the world." It has grown from an initial contribution of US$26.50 to much more than US $1 billion. It has one of the largest and most prestigious international fellowship programs in the world.
In 1929, the Foundation made its first gift of $500 to the International Society for Crippled Children. The organization, created by Rotarian Edgar F. “Daddy” Allen, later grew into Easter Seals.
When Rotary founder Paul Harris died in 1947, contributions began pouring in to Rotary International, and the Paul Harris Memorial Fund was created to build the Foundation.
The Paul Harris Fellow is an award for those who have given $ US1000 dollars possibly over several years to the Rotary Foundation or by a sponsor that has given the money on behalf of the recipient named for extraordinary services rendered. It is one of the most prestigious awards in Rotary and thus named after the founder of Rotary, Paul Harris.
Last Saturday night in conjunction with Rotary Club of Port Hope we at Northumberland Sunrise held our annual Foundation Dinner. This is an evening when we award Paul Harris Fellows to community members that have lived up to the Rotary motto of “Service above self” as well as to our fellow Rotarians alike.
Our guest speaker was Jonathan Porter who has recently completed his Masters of Law degree at the University of Essex in International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law as a Rotary Global Grant Scholar. His studies focused on the protection of refugees and displaced persons in armed conflict and human rights of detained persons. A very articulate and learned man!
This year Rotary Club of Northumberland Sunrise presented the following Paul Harris Fellows; Sian Pritchart of Landscape Ontario for her dedication, countless hours and her professionalism surrounding the NHH Garden project our club undertook this past spring and summer. Again many thanks Sian!
Doug and Joan McCann for their work with The Salvation Army in Cobourg and surrounding areas. This couple have devoted countless hours managing The Health Bank and The Jump Start programs to name but, only a smidgen of all they do for their communities.
Blake Holton for his never ending dedication to providing Family Crisis Centre in Apex, Nunavut with much needed clothes and supplies. Blake is instrumental in the ongoing success of the Band Shell series in Port Hope again just to name a small amount of all that Blake does for his community.
And so another successful Foundation Dinner has come to its completion and we Northumberland Sunriser’s will once again start to watch our friends, acquaintances and family for perhaps the next Paul Harris Fellow candidates!
Rotary Club of Northumberland Sunrise meets every Wednesday morning for breakfast at 7:00 AM at Ashbrook Golf Club. 7215 Dale Road, Port Hope. Guests and visiting Rotarians are always welcome. Please come a little early for coffee and fellowship. Our meetings include a full breakfast, a short business meeting and a guest speaker. Meetings usually adjourn by 8:00 AM. Please come and join us for Rotary fellowship.
Northumberland Today Oct 27, 2015![]() Rotary District 7070 Inbound Exchange students 2015/16 at the District Conference Saturday October 25, 2015 And so, another District 7070 Conference has come and gone yet again. This years was at the WestinHarbour Castle Conference Centre downtown Toronto with magnificent views overlooking Lake Ontario.
Rotary makes it easy for a Rotarian to attend either all of this event or just portions as it fits into our schedules. Come for the weekend, come just for the day, either way just come. This year’s District Conference opened on Friday evening with the District’s Governor, Michael Bell’s Reception followed with Hospitality Suites sponsored by different Rotary Clubs, a great way to socialize and meet other clubs in our district.
Saturday morning started with breakfast followed by the Opening Ceremonies and the Flag Ceremony. Now, the flag ceremony is carried out by the Districts exchange students as they enter the room one by one being introduced each carrying the flag of their country. Quite a moving Ceremony for all concerned.
This year there were 2 Keynote sessions covering Indigenous Education, How Rotary Can Help including words from Paul Martin and the second keynote session covering Youth Empowerment. There were a total of 8 breakaway sessions offered throughout the day covering diverse topics such as Team Building, Council Legislation, Membership, Polio Update and many others in between.
Of course, no Rotary meeting of this magnitude would ever be remiss in not covering our ongoing fight to eradicate Polio and this year there was a sail boat traveling the streets of downtown Toronto reinforcing just how close we are to eradicating this disease. To date there have been 2.1 Billion children immunized against Polio in 122 Countries. An impressive statistic and worthy of sharing.
The evening had the usual Gala Dinner followed by presentation of the pristine Wilf Wilkinson Peace Award, this year’s recipient being Ariani Nati. Second City was the evening entertainment followed by another evening of Hospitality Suites. Sunday’s Keynote sessions; after breakfast covered Bugiri WASH and Performance Through Partnership.
All in all, these District Conferences are motivating, fun filled opportunities to be in the presence of likeminded hard working, inspirational fellow Rotarians. The speakers are all knowledgeable, well spoken, articulate individuals that are easy to be with.
Our club’s November agenda is complete and is filled with some great speakers on a variety of topics. Check us out. Rotary Club of Northumberland Sunrise meets every Wednesday morning for breakfast at 7:00 AM at Ashbrook Golf Club. 7215 Dale Road, Port Hope. Guests and visiting Rotarians are always welcome. Please come a little early for coffee and fellowship. Our meetings include a full breakfast, a short business meeting and a guest speaker. Meetings usually adjourn by 8:00 AM. Please come and join us for Rotary fellowship.
Yours in Rotary
Susan Luyendyk
Northumberland Today Sept 29, 2015Left-Right: NHH C.E.O. Linda Davis; Northumberland Sunrise Rotary President Connie Ham; NHH Foundation Executive Director Rhonda Cunningham. President Connie Ham makes another installment on the NHH Garden Project. This past Thursday evening marked a year’s collaborative journey taken on by Rotary Club of Northumberland Sunrise, Landscape Ontario, Upper Canada Chapter and the NHH to beautify the front garden of the Northumberland Hills Hospital. What a joyous ride it has been.
NHH Foundation Executive Director Rhonda Cunningham had been invited to one of our early morning meetings in September of 2014 to discuss with us an opportunity to be involved in the NHH Garden Project. After some deliberation, our club took it on with gusto, it would be the perfect sweat equity that our club had been looking for.
Sian Pritchard from Landscape Ontario, Upper Canada Chapter took the lead and with her charisma, creativity and fine tutelage we embarked on the garden journey in April culminating just last week when we planted 34 Chrysanthemums in order to bring fall colours to the garden just in time for the dedication ceremony last Thursday evening.
We would like to invite you to take the opportunity for a drive-by before the mums fade and the pedals fall on the flowers as Fall continues. Please enjoy!
Rotary International End Polio Now recently shared with us the most exciting and delightful news when they circulated that “We've made tremendous progress in the fight to #endpolio. Nigeria is officially polio-free! Only two polio-endemic countries remain. We’re getting closer to a polio-free world.
Polio is a paralyzing and potentially deadly disease that still affects children in some parts of the world today. In 1985 Rotary International took on the challenge of worldwide eradication of this disease by immunizing the youngsters of the world. To date billions of dollars have been raised, countless volunteer hours and more than 2.5 billion children have been immunized.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has pledged to match all our funds two-to-one capping at $35 million a year; every year through to 2018. As usual, it doesn’t take a Rotarian too much time before we pick up the gauntlet and accept that challenge, especially when we have just discovered we have only 2 more countries left, what a feat!
A certain young lady from Helsinki that we have all come to know, had a birthday a couple weeks ago. We celebrated along with Saimi that Wednesday morning with a most delicious chocolate cake topped with white icing depicting both countries flags and Rotary logo. Quite decadent for 7:15 AM. Happy Birthday Saimi!!
Rotary Club of Northumberland Sunrise meets every Wednesday morning for breakfast at 7:00 AM at Ashbrook Golf Club. 7215 Dale Road, Port Hope. Guests and visiting Rotarians are always welcome. Please come a little early for coffee and fellowship. Our meetings include a full breakfast, a short business meeting and a guest speaker. Meetings usually adjourn by 8:00 AM. Please come and join us for Rotary fellowship.
Yours in Rotary
Susan Luyendyk
Northumberland Today Sept 15, 2015![]() Left-right, District 7070 Governor Michael Bell, new member, Dr. Kevin McCrae; returning Rotarian, Alan Mote; President Connie Ham; new member, Andrew Smith and District 7070 Assistant Governor, Steve Blakey. Early in the Rotary year the existing District 7070 Governor pays a visit to each and every Rotary Club in the District. No small feat as there are many active and viable clubs. District Governor Michael Bell paid a visit to Northumberland Sunrise on Wednesday September 9th along with Assistant District Governor Steve Blakey.
The Governor shared with us that Rotary International President K.R. Ravindrans’ theme for this current 2015-2016 Rotary year is “Be a Gift to the World.” President Ravindran urges Rotarians to give the gifts of time, talent, and knowledge to improve lives in communities across the globe. "Through Rotary, we can take these gifts and make a genuine difference in the lives of others and in our world."
For the District 7070, Governor Bell had laid out for us the three goals he has for the District this coming year. First on the list is 100 new members, which coincidentally was the second reason Governor Bell was in attendance last Wednesday. You see, he helped our club Northumberland Sunrise induct two new members to Rotary and welcomed another back to Rotary. So, our little club thus far has indeed supplied three to the Governors goal of 100. Welcome to our newest members!
Second on Governor Bell’s list for the District is the goal of raising $800,000 for the Rotary Foundation. Just one of the many ways in which Northumberland Sunrise raises money for this amazing Foundation is through the mum sales we have joined with Cobourg Rotary to sell just outside The Avid Reader on Division Street in Cobourg. Sales have been brisk and the plants this year are especially lovely. All proceeds raised go to Polio Plus, part of the Rotary Foundation and are matched two to one by the Bill Gates Foundation.
Third on Governor Bells list is “add a new fellowship event.” Now this will not a hardship for Northumberland Sunrise to achieve. We are an eclectic, fun and diverse bunch of Rotarians and we look upon this goal as the easiest one to achieve.
Our Exchange student Saimi Merenlathi of Helsinki, Finland came to breakfast for the first time last week. Saimi’s Happy Buck was to share with us how much she enjoyed her first day of school, how much she was looking forward to the coming year and oh, Saimi is also a hockey fan!!!
Rotary Club of Northumberland Sunrise meets every Wednesday morning for breakfast at 7:00 AM at Ashbrook Golf Club. 7215 Dale Road, Port Hope. Guests and visiting Rotarians are always welcome. Please come a little early for coffee and fellowship. Our meetings include a full breakfast, a short business meeting and a guest speaker. Meetings usually adjourn by 8:00 AM. Please come and join us for Rotary fellowship.
Yours in Rotary
Susan Luyendyk
Northumberland Today September 2, 2015Basic Education and Literacy is September’s theme as set out by Rotary International. In keeping with this theme first up on this month’s agenda Northumberland Sunrise will welcome Shannon Linton from Sounds of the Next Generation, (SONG).
Sounds of the Next Generation (SONG) is a socially inclusive choral and orchestral music program for under-served children and youth in Northumberland County. SONG is a musical community where kids can learn, create, and be part of a team. Participants sing in choir and play in an orchestra and a bucket drum ensemble several times each week.
The eradication of polio worldwide is Rotary Internationals mandate known as “Polio Plus.” Yearly flower sales of mums in support of Polio Plus is organized by Cobourg Rotarian Bill Patchett. Once again Bill has invited Northumberland Sunrise to join them with this endeavor. All proceeds are donated to Polio Plus where it is matched by the Bill Gates Foundation 2/1. Various sizes of Mums go on sale starting September 3rd outside Avid Reader on Division Street in Cobourg. Be sure to drop by and take home a beautiful mum!
The Summer Band Shell Concert Series in Port Hope at the band shell comes to its conclusion this coming Thursday September 3rd with Marty and the Mojos taking to the stage at 7:00 PM. This well-known local blues/rock band is from Port Hope and is always a crowd pleaser.
You will find Northumberland Sunrise members selling raffle tickets prior to the band playing. Proceeds collected are directed right back to the Band Shell Series for next year’s entertainment. We are the folks in the blue T-shirts. So, be sure to bring your lawn chair and your snapping fingers for this one!
Spear headed by Northumberland Sunrise member Blake Holton, this year’s clothes drive for the Family Crisis Centre in Apex, Nunavut has arrived safely in Iqaluit. The five skids of donations collected locally is being sorted by Lorne Levy of the Rotary Club of Iqaluit. His club members are now in the throes of delivering the donated clothing to the Family Crisis Centre in Apex. Thanks to all Northumberland Sunrise Rotarians who helped pack and ship these boxes of clothing. A special thanks to Ron Spiewak for advocating on our behalf and to Ernie Griffiths and HD Power Supply in Colborne for paying for shipping.
Rotary District 7070 Governor Michael Bell along with Assistant District Governor Steve Blakey will be joining our Rotary Club for breakfast on September 9th. This will be the Governors official visit to our club where he will also be aiding with the Induction of 3 new members to our club.
Rotary Club of Northumberland Sunrise meets every Wednesday morning for breakfast at 7:00 AM at Ashbrook Golf Club. 7215 Dale Road, Port Hope. Guests and visiting Rotarians are always welcome. Please come a little early for coffee and fellowship. Our meetings include a full breakfast, a short business meeting and a guest speaker. Meetings usually adjourn by 8:00 AM. Please come and join us for Rotary fellowship.
Yours in Rotary
Susan Luyendyk
Northumberland Today August 27, 2015![]() 2015/16 Directors, Rotary Foundation, Dan Bulger; Community Service, Linda Goldie; Membership, Darlene Theriault; Treasurer, Cathy Cavanagh; President, Connie Ham; International/Vocational, Tom Sears; President Elect, Bob Clark; Secretary, Ian Lancaster. Missing from picture, Public Relations, Howie McCourt.
Rotary Club of Northumberland Sunrise has just welcomed its new Board for the year 2015/16 and they started in fine form. Currently you will find members of Northumberland Sunrise volunteering their time at the Summer Band Shell Concert Series at the Port Hope Band Shell every Thursday evening starting at 7:00 PM until September 3rd. This is a complimentary evening filled with great talent that has been enjoyed by locals and tourists for a number of years now. You will find us selling raffle tickets for donations from local businesses including a lovely bouquet from Houlton’s Flowers in Port Hope.
Bright and early on the morning of Monday August 17, 2015, 11 members from Northumberland Sunrise served up a high protein breakfast donated by Metro Supermarket in Port Hope, to 121 cyclists, all members of the Great Waterfront Trail Adventure at the Port Hope Rec Centre. Port Hope was the first stop of a six day cycling adventure from Roseneath to Niagara along the Greenbelt Route.
If you haven’t driven by the front door of Northumberland Hills Hospital yet, I encourage you to do just that. Since the beginning of April, Northumberland Sunrise along with partner Landscape Ontario, Upper Canada Chapter have been working diligently at the beautification of the front entrance. That marvelous stone wall was constructed by Certified Master Craftsman Dean McClellan and his crew of students from the Saugeen First Nations along the shores of Lake Huron.
Next on the agenda for completion of this monument is the installation of lighting and dedication signage sometime close to the end of August. Plans are in the making for a dedication event in the fall.
Last Thursday our club once again welcomed an Exchange Student, our 14th one. This year we welcome a young lady from Finland. Saimie will be hosted by a total of 4 different families throughout the year starting from this August until June of the following year. Saimie will be attending school for the year at St Mary’s Catholic Secondary School in Cobourg. Stay tuned for updates as the year progresses.
Rotary Club of Northumberland Sunrise meets every Wednesday morning for breakfast at 7:00 AM at Ashbrook Golf Club. 7215 Dale Road, Port Hope. Guests and visiting Rotarians are always welcome. Please come a little early for coffee and fellowship. Our meetings include a full breakfast, a short business meeting and a guest speaker. Meetings usually adjourn by 8:00 AM. Please come and join us for Rotary fellowship.